It was in early March as I was coming back from the Great Barrier Reef when I finally received reception. The first message that showed up on my phone was a photo. It took me a moment to realize what it was before I read the caption ” ANDY BOUGHT A DIAMOND RIGHT AND IS MAKING A RING FOR BETHANY”. My phone almost slipped into the ocean, as I was overwhelmed by excitement.
I’ve had the chance to know Bethany since we were kids, as we both grew up at Cornerstone. She’ll often tell you the most memorable story of our early childhood was when I tried to rip her off while trading Pokemon cards. I suppose she forgave me, as from then on our friendship grew. Over the years, I’ve seen Bethany grow into a strong, independent, loving, and most importantly a godly person.
A couple of years ago, Bethany first brought up Andy’s name after the first few dates. They had met through a mutual friend over karaoke. She would always mention, how caring Andy was, and how he would always go out of his way to do things for her. It was shortly after talking about Andy, that I was first finally introduced to him in person. It was evident, how much he loved her in the early stages of their dating. Not only did his fun and caring personality match Bethany’s, but his willingness to grow with God. You know your girlfriend really trusts you, if she lets you put makeup on her…. check out their video here.
After dating for the last few years, I’m glad to say the day had finally come! It was time for the proposal to happen after long months of planning. Surrounded by their friends, the proposal was beautifully decorated at Deep Cove Park. Andy had planned a kayak trip from Deep Cove to Strathcona Park, a 30-minute kayak trip along with two other friends. Once they got to shore, their friend was going to go look for a bathroom, which ultimately led Bethany and Andy to the picnic table where they were awaited by one of her favourite songs, Touch the Sky sung by their friends. One of the things I loved about this proposal was how authentic everything went down. Bethany was still in her life jacket, while Andy was still wet from kayaking. In addition, Bethany has her own video blog on Youtube, which her friends helped her tape along the whole kayak trip. I can’t wait to see the finished video!
Congrats to the two of you! I’m so glad you were able to share this moment with all your friends! Time for the wedding planning to begin!
Justin, these photos are amazing!! What you wrote is so thoughtful and touching! Energy cards for shiny cards is a HUGE rip off by the way!! 😂 Thank you so much for taking the time to do this for us, we really appreciate it!! 😊❤️ Thanks for plugging my YouTube too!! 😄