It was the end of March 2002, just before the annual Vancouver Sun Run. Being a typical annoying little brother, I tagged along with my sister to pick up a pair of running shoes from a friend. The interaction was limited but it was then that I was introduced to Kristen. We were both quiet, timid, and young. It would be almost three years later when our paths would cross again in high school, during our time on Student Council.
The definition of a golden child comes to mind when thinking of Kristen. President of Student Council, captains of her sports team, straight-A student…. the list goes on (whatever the school offered, she was basically in it). Amidst all her extracurricular activities in school, she managed to socialize and get to know those around her. I mean, how could you not be friends with someone who has an infectious outgoing personality and a boisterous laugh that filled every hallway in our school?
Years later, I met Guo through mutual friends. Never have I met someone more carefree and easygoing than Guo. For whatever reason, his first name Edward never seemed to get any love and his last name just stuck. Guo has a way of bringing life and laughter to groups. Whether it be his actions or new lingo he comes up with (now dubbed Guoism), he never ceases to make people laugh. Don’t let the carefreeness deceive you though. When it comes to games, sports, fantasy football, or Hearts, Guo’s competitiveness comes out and no mercy is ever shown.
Their worlds eventually collided through ultimate frisbee (surprise surprise…) and their time at UBC. The rest is history.
Their proposal story is one of a kind. If the proposal happened any other way, it just wouldn’t be reflective of their six-year relationship. After hearing both sides of the story more than once, I believe I have the story down…
Coles Notes Version:
Guo picks up the ring. Guo asks Kristen hypothetical questions on how to propose over dinner. Post-dinner, they go for a (very long) walk around Stanley Park. Guo finds the perfect spot for a proposal so gets down on one knee and starts proposing. The proposal gets interrupted by a gang of cyclists whizzing by, so Guo sits back down. Kristen starts crying and laughing at the same time and boom they’re FINALLY engaged.
The similarities between these two make them perfect for each other. Both are equally genuine, loving, and live life to the fullest! Much like their proposal, I have no doubt this next part of their adventure will be filled with many more hypothetical questions, laughter, tears, and most importantly undeniable love.